Same Sex Marriage Research Paper

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Marriage: What Is It?

Marriage is considered to be not only a civil contract. Marriage is also a religious ceremony that is crucially important in every country of the world. Due to the fact that the mentioned rite has religious background, it has become the main argument of the activists who are against same sex marriages. The reason is that the Bible does not appreciate such relations. The aforementioned activists claimed that homosexual couples had no right to enter into marriage. However, the situation has changed in 2004 year when gay marriages were allowed in Massachusetts. Nevertheless, same sex marriages are still against the law in most places.

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The aim of this same sex marriage research paper is to highlight the burning issues that are connected with the given topic. Homosexuals in the United States state that they do not require any specific attitude. However, they insist that they have the basic right as any person to live with a soul mate and not to live in fear of discrimination. It should be noted that such desire is absolutely fair. Official marriage has many advantages, such as inheritance rights, tax, family rates on different things, i. e. health insurance programs. Those couples who are not married can only dream about such advantages. Of course, unmarried couples can get all the mentioned above, but it will cost a lot of money, and one needs turn to accountants and lawyers as well. In some companies, the benefits to unmarried couples are extended (it considers not only heterosexual couples but also gay ones). Nevertheless, such policy is not a common thing and can be met rather rarely. There are some improvements in the same sex right movement, hence this issue is a burning one today due to the countless discriminations that are experienced by gay couples every day.

To prepare this same sex marriage research paper, a lot of information was analyzed. According to the statistical data, a lot of couples would prefer cohabitation; it can be considered as an alternative for a ‘traditional marriage.’ Those activists who are against gay marriages are afraid of the possibility that may be faced if the same sex marriages become recognized. In that case, the official marriage will not be needed any more as its value will disappear. The public opinion in the US about the marriage status has started to change few decades ago. The thing is that in the 50th, the official marriage was a common thing. With time, public has accepted the possibility to cohabit before marriage. Later on, the couples started to live together without any obligations. It was the time when the first steps towards gay marriages were made. The legalization of the same sex marriages can be considered as the logical step that is a part of marriage evolution. According to the Scandinavian scholars, the legal acceptance of cohabitation is a cornerstone of acceptance of the similar cohabitation in gay couples. One can conclude that gay marriages is one more stage of the evolution relating to the institution of marriage.

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The Effect of Marriage

This same sex marriage research paper is an attempt to clarify what transformative effect the status of a marriage can have. According to the studies, the situation when gay marriage is forbidden makes a person consider such relations illegal and even wrong. What is more, it is proven that a child that was bringing up in a same sex family suffer a lot because the society is against such families. Such situation leads to the problems connected with perception of world in children. For example, one girl was afraid that police officer would arrive as her mothers were breaking the law (she lived in a gay family). Therefore, one can assume that the public opinion has a significant influence on the legal norms, which do not reflect the current state of development of the society. Furthermore, the legalization of the same sex marriages is an inevitable part of the society development. If it is legalized, the consciousness of people will be transformed.

Despite the fact that the activists who are against the same sex marriages use the Bible to explain why such relations should be forbidden, the situation needs to be changed. The reason is that the legalization of gay marriage is an important part of the evolution of the institution of marriage. For that matter, the civil rights of the citizens of the United States should be ensured. One can avoid a great number of psychological traumas and personal tragedies.

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