Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- The Household Toxins and Their Effects
- Buy Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal essay paper online
- Symptoms and How to Prevent Toxin Exposure Among Children
- Importance of Learning about Chemical T0xin Exposure among Children as an Environmental Issue
- Facts About Household Chemical Exposure to Children
- What to Do in Case of Poisoning
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The approach of educating a community is a very significant step because it often entails building a better future for the country as a whole. Educating people on health related issues ensures that they are healthy and satisfied with their lives because their health is a major asset that needs to be taken care of for positive results related to performance and a comfortable lifestyle (Hoffman & Henken, 2002). Therefore, this plan enumerates on environmental issues which are perceived to affect the nature of the community. The focus is on the chemical toxins that affect children aged between one year and four years in the United States. Therefore, following the steps that will be enumerated below will assist communities in implementing the right steps to evade the increasing rate of toxins among children as an environmental issue.
The Household Toxins and Their Effects
Household toxics are environmental issues because they are contaminants released during the utilization of several products at home. The toxics are often trapped within houses and, as a result, deteriorate the indoor quality of air. It is the reason they are found in the form of household cleaners, household cleaners, lawn and garden, pool chemicals, paints and solvents as well as health and beauty aids. The mentioned type of toxins is dangerous because of the fact that they are harmful to human health and have negative impacts on the atmosphere (Hoffman & Henken, 2002). The risks and threats of toxins within children are irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and the respiratory system. Some toxins can also lead to death if they are not properly treated or if there is a delay in treatment.
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Symptoms and How to Prevent Toxin Exposure Among Children
Some of the scenarios that show that children are exposed to chemicals are when parents do not keep chemicals in safe places. Sometimes parents are unaware of the effects of detergents as toxins making ignorance another challenge. Consequently, the implication here is that children are often exposed to toxins at their homes as opposed to any other place. The theory is based on the fact that children at the age of one year to four years spend most of the time with their parents present along with them (WHO, 2011). Some of the signs and symptoms of chemical exposure within children aged one to four years are dizziness, cardiac, headache, nausea, and body aches.
In order to evaluate, prevent, and treat children toxins exposure, unused household products needs to be taken away to a nearby chemical collection center to be recycled and disposed. Another approach can entail purchasing only the relevant and required products or even sharing with friends to reduce possible exposure of children to chemicals. Another step could be utilization of green products like laundry detergents, cleaning fluids, cosmetics, and pesticides. The proposed green products are relevant for use in homes because they lack environmental chemicals indicating that they ensure that the life of children is safe (, 2015).
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Furthermore, the other measures that can be utilized to evade negative outcomes are keeping chemicals in safe places which are out of children’s reach ascertaining the safety of children from possible chemical exposure. While using the chemicals like detergents, it is appropriate to keep children away to evade possible complications that might derail the life of a child. Additionally, it is appropriate to close the containers with chemicals well as a precaution to ensure safety of a child while at home. Another strategy that can be implemented is taking the initiative of calling a poison helpline center immediately if a chemical poisoning has occurred (WHO, 2011). The primary number that can be easily used is 1-800-222-1222, and the center always responds immediately.
Importance of Learning about Chemical T0xin Exposure among Children as an Environmental Issue
Learning about chemical toxins that children are exposed to is significant because it ensures that the society is better placed to have a good future. The household chemical exposure among children is a challenge that parents and the community as a whole needs to be aware of. Household chemical exposure is a threat to the society because it is among the primary causes of accidental poisoning within children. The effects are often detrimental as enumerated in the above paragraph, and, hence, leaning about the issue at hand will assist the society and the community as a whole to be in a better position to counter the problem (Hoffman & Henken, 2002).
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Household chemical toxins are now looked at as an imperative source of indoor toxins that threaten the life of children within their homes. Therefore, learning about the issues brings the society to a better point of coping with the challenge with ease and professionalism. The rationale is based on the fact that strategies are proposed on how to counter the issue, to make homes a better safer place for children aged one year to four years old. Furthermore, having chemical detergents at home often seems to be safe but on healthcare perspective it is an unhealthy entity (, 2015). As a result, proper precautions need to be practiced to decrease the outcomes of cancer, asthma, and other health related challenges.
Facts About Household Chemical Exposure to Children
Statistics indicate that the rate at which environmental issues are affecting the community is increasing rapidly. The hike is based on the increase in the number of detergents and other toxin related products for using at home. According to WHO (2011), 50% to 70% calls are often about children being exposed to chemicals or poisoned. The indication is, therefore, apparent that children are at a very high risk of not reaching their maturity if such trends grow. Additionally, the reason for larger number of calls is the quantity of poisoning cases that have not been reported which is a negative entity in the field of nursing.
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The statistics revealed by WHO (2011) also show that the majority of those affected are male children aged between one and four years. Boys are known to be more playful, and as a result, they might end up in the wrong place. The mortality rate is low indicating that the ways are being modified to reduce the challenge in the community. As of 2003WHO (2011) enumerates that 20,000 children were exposed to chlorine bleach. Therefore, it is significant to note such a chemical within homes because of its frequent use starting from at least two times per week.
What to Do in Case of Poisoning
According to Poison Prevention (2015), it is significant to call 911 to get the needed assistance in cases where a person has collapsed and remained unconscious. Another step that needs to be taken is calling the poison helpline center enumerated in the above paragraphs and following the instructions given.
To summarize, environmental issues often come in different forms, but it is necessary to be always ready for any scenario. Furthermore, it is also significant to be aware of the different kinds of household toxins, their effects, and symptoms. Additionally, knowing how to prevent and handle toxin poisoning is of vital importance because it ensures that child toxin exposure is dealt with ease, and a reduction rate is attained for a better future.